
Our highly experienced and qualified payroll team can prepare payrolls for businesses with 1 to 300 staff.

Running your own payroll can be time consuming and complicated, particularly with the ever- increasing complexity of taxation and employment legislation.

There is an increasing burden on business to comply with these issues and non-compliance can lead to substantial penalties.

Our highly experienced and qualified payroll team can prepare payrolls for businesses with 1 to 300 staff.

Our service is comprehensive and confidential and includes:

  • the supply of purpose designed forms to prompt the receipt of relevant payroll information;
  • the interpretation and processing of this information to provide accurate assessments of gross pay;
  • the calculation and deduction of statutory, contractual and voluntary deductions to provide net pay;
  • the paying over of deductions and the submission of year end returns to government departments;
  • the storage and retention of relevant documents to comply with DSS, HMRC and Audit requirements;
  • the supply of advice and support to employees and employers when dealing with enquiries from DSS and Inland Revenue.

Even if you only have a few employees, you will make substantial timesavings by engaging us to administer your payroll, giving you greater freedom to concentrate on strategic issues and business management.

Require more information?

If you would like more information or would like to ask us a question then call us on 01278 423008. To ask us a question online click here.

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